Monday, November 2, 2009

RTVF Alum Needed!

AFN (American Forces Network), which runs the 8 television channels we get on base, has gone too far – I would nominate this for worst commercial ever!

Open on guitar player singing on sailboat. One 20-something male approaches 20-something female, both sipping from Solo cups.
Male: “Man, this guy should stick to his day job.”
Female: “He’s not so bad.” Sets cup down on table behind. Distracted by movement off screen, looks away.
Male surreptitiously spits into cup. Sets down on table behind.
Male: “I’ll be right back.” Exit stage right.
Female reaches for cup and accidentally picks up male's. Slowly lifts to mouth without looking.
Voiceover: “You might not think your smokeless tobacco habit is so bad, but others might find it…”
Female sips from cup: “GROSS!” AAAAND SCENE.


I couldn’t find this particular PSA online, but here is another gem that I love. Indoctrination and public service announcements at their best. Other things AFN has taught me:

High Speed + Heavy Traffic = Autobahn
Autobahn + Alcohol = Bad Idea

Waste, fraud, and abuse should be reported

Explore your host country and spend money to help its economy

Sexual assault is bad

Motorcycles are dangerous

You better start the paperwork to marry a foreign national before you even meet them

Your trash is a terrorist’s treasure

Stay hydrated

At least with AFN I can watch American television, albeit from last season; I was horrified to learn that Hulu does not operate internationally. Sometimes I feel guilty about staying immersed in American culture, but AFN does not offer any Italian channels and I have been trying to branch out with the radio. I have to admit though, it's nice to be able to retreat into the "American bubble" after venturing out into Naples.

1 comment:

  1. as an r/tv/f alumn, I have to say, that's a pretty classy spot. And it sounds as if you're learning a lot - go TV!

    hope you're having a great time. Look forward to pows and wows in the near future :)

    love and hugs,
