Saturday, November 21, 2009

Per Tutto Il Tempo

You failed me iTunes! I keep hearing this song on the radio, except I never caught the artist and had to conduct an investigation to figure out who it was. I got my hair cut at “Fortress America” (re: entry #1) the other night and gathered from my expertly coiffed, but almost exclusively Italian-speaking, stylist Tony that the singer was “Ruf, R-U-F” (it’s actually Raf), who’s “old.” Which means that Raf has a lot of songs, and when I tried to browse for this certain tune, I wasn’t having any luck. I knew if I listened to the radio while packing this morning, I would eventually hear it. And I did! I grabbed a pen and paper to write down any lyrics I could make out (thus making an internet search much easier) and picked up “Per tutto, il tempo.” That’s also the title of the song. When I found it, I tried to download it in iTunes, but iTunes was having none of that. Apparently, there are different stores for different countries and I am allowed content that’s in the US store only. This song was in the Italian iTunes. I tried faking out iTunes and changing my country, but no dice. After that, I resorted to other methods and eventually procured it – I won’t reveal my source – and am now happily listening to another decent Italian pop song. Enjoy the video!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, I liked it but he is a little "old". Maybe you can find the Italian eathquake victim song for me, I was never able to find it on you tube cause I don't know the name nor the lyrics. But i do know I like the song!
